Raspberry Pi to Go Public with Expected Fundraising and Future Plans

TapTechNews June 11th news, Bloomberg reported that after the Raspberry Pi Company goes public through an IPO on June 14, it is expected to raise 179 million pounds (TapTechNews note: currently about 1.653 billion yuan). Such capital inflow will make the company's market value reach 540 million pounds (currently about 4.987 billion yuan).

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The IPO inevitably makes some people worry that the Raspberry Pi Company will lose its way, but the Raspberry Pi assured the community that its educational mission is still the top priority.

TapTechNews quoted Bloomberg's report that the market is currently very optimistic about the Raspberry Pi's IPO, and the trading has been significantly oversubscribed.

The chief executive of the Raspberry Pi Foundation, Philip Colligan, explained: 'We will convert part of the equity into an endowment fund to fund our educational projects.'

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The Raspberry Pi said that this IPO will monetize most of the ownership to provide financial guarantees for the foundation's various plans. The core purpose of the foundation is to be committed to cultivating the next generation of scientific and technological talents.

The Raspberry Pi Limited said that the company has donated nearly 50 million US dollars in profits to the foundation. Coupled with more than 60 million US dollars raised from other charitable sources and educational contracts, the foundation has promoted computational learning globally.
