Dell XPS Product Roadmap Leaked with Intel's Future Mobile Processor Nodes

TapTechNews May 13 news, overseas media VideoCardz discovered a Dell internal document from August last year on the Internet, revealing Intel's future mobile processor roadmap for XPS products.

The roadmap revealed the timeline for Intel's upcoming mobile processor products at the time:

LunarLake-MX: August/September 2024

ArrowLake-H: February/March 2025

PantherLake-H: February/March 2026

NovaLake: First quarter of 2027

In terms of products, the current XPS13 and XPS14 notebook molds will continue until next year, with a refresh in 2026:

XPS13DIVO: Intel LunarLake-MX/2nd Gen Snapdragon X processor (20WTDP)

XPS14HURACAN: Intel PantherLake-Px40/2nd Gen Snapdragon X processor (40WTDP)

The current XPS16 notebook mold will continue until the following year, when NVIDIA will introduce a new graphics card in 2027:

XPS16PERFORMANTE: Intel/AMD/Qualcomm processor (80WTDP), possibly delayed until 2028

TapTechNews reminds that the leaked document is from August last year, and product information may have changed. The above analysis is for reference only.

Other information leaked in the document includes:

Detailed specifications of Dell XPS139345 notebook leaked: Snapdragon XElite/Plus, plans to adopt TandemOLED screen

Qualcomm Snapdragon XPlus processor priced at about half of 13th Gen Core, 2nd Gen Snapdragon X series to launch in the second half of 2025
