Huawei Smart Search App Update New Features and Enhancements

TapTechNews May 23rd news, the Huawei Smart Search App started the application crowd test today, with the version number of, and the installation package is about 48 megabytes. It mainly conducts detailed optimization and polishing of the search function, adds new features such as finding text in pictures, and the usability is improved.

According to the introduction, Smart Search is a quick search tool provided by Huawei, which can quickly search for local content on the mobile phone, including various applications, contacts, settings items, etc., and can also search for online content on the network. Pull down on the mobile phone desktop to enter Smart Search.

Huawei Smart Search App Update New Features and Enhancements_0

TapTechNews attaches the following crowd test update contents this time:

Before Search

One-click Search for Photos

In the search box and in Xiaoyi Suggestion, new selected time search suggestions are added, such as graduation photos in Shenzhen in 2022, photos of mom in Beijing in autumn 2018, etc. (The person name needs to be named in the gallery, and only supported in the HarmonyOS 3.1 and above versions).

After Search

Easy to Find Pictures

A text found in pictures card is added, and users can find pictures by searching for text keywords in the pictures;

In-app Service Direct Access

Search for check routes, and users can directly access the check routes service of Baidu Maps (Baidu Maps App needs to be installed);

Search Results Are More Intuitive

When searching for contacts, settings and other local content, the matching content is highlighted;

Optimize Search Result Sorting

Local content is prioritized, and online content is presented later, and displayed in partitions.

How to Open the App

Slide down on the desktop to enter the Smart Search interface.
