Android 15 Beta2 Adjusts Storage Settings

TapTechNews May 17th news, Android engineer Mishaal Rahman recently posted a blog and found that Android 15 Beta2 has adjusted the storage settings, dividing System into system files and temporary files.

TapTechNews note: Currently, when Android users open the storage settings, they can see the space occupation situations of different types of files, including applications, documents, pictures, games, audio, etc. In addition, there is also a System space that shows the storage space occupied by basic system files.

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In the Android 15 system, in addition to seeing the space occupation of the above file types, System is further divided into OS (specific Android version) and system temporary files.

Users can more intuitively see how much storage space the temporary files occupy. Many times, deleting temporary files will not cause any negative impacts. Therefore, if you feel that there is not enough space, you might as well delete some temporary files.
