China Mobile's Tariff Downgrade Issue User's Difficulty and Complaints

TapTechNews July 8th news, today the Weibo topic "China Mobile is accused of being easy to upgrade tariffs but difficult to downgrade" has gone on the hot search. As of TapTechNews' dispatch, the relevant hot search ranked 11th on the list, with a reading volume of 7.646 million.

China Mobiles Tariff Downgrade Issue User's Difficulty and Complaints_0

According to the report of The Paper, Mr. Liu spent 2 months traveling back and forth to his hometown twice to handle the tariff downgrade for the elderly at home, and in the middle, he also experienced a "increase instead of decrease", so he questioned that China Mobile deliberately prevented users from downgrading tariffs.

The relevant staff of China Mobile said that since May 1, 2024, the 10086 customer service has no authority to handle tariff downgrade for users, and users cannot handle it on the China Mobile App either, and it can only be handled by the return call of the specialist.

The relevant staff said: "Our customer service seats are limited, so they will be divided according to the needs of users. The first customer service who answers the phone may not have the authority to change the package, so it needs to be handed over to the relevant specialist for processing." She said that if it causes trouble to users, it will be reported to the company to improve service efficiency.

According to Mr. Liu's introduction, the elderly at home initially used the 79-yuan package of China Mobile. In May this year, Mr. Liu called 10086 of China Mobile through the elderly's mobile phone, and after connecting to the artificial customer service, he expressed his intention to downgrade the package and change to a pure calling package. "At that time, the customer service said she couldn't handle it, and there would be a downgrade specialist to call back and handle it within 4 hours."

Mr. Liu said that later, the customer service specialist of China Mobile called the elderly and recommended a more favorable package and guided the elderly to send a text message to handle it. The elderly was told that only by replying the number "1" could it be directly handled. Due to the limited resolution ability of the elderly, thinking that he was handling a more favorable package, in just one afternoon, the elderly's tariff was upgraded to a 99-yuan-per-month package.

On June 23, after learning about this situation, Mr. Liu called 10086 again to handle the tariff downgrade for the elderly. He was also informed that it needed to be registered by the 10086 customer service first, and then it could be handled successfully by the return call of the downgrade specialist. "The return call of this downgrade specialist can only be answered and cannot be dialed back. If you can't receive it, you can't get in touch."

Mr. Liu has called 10086 many times to催促, and finally a 10086 customer service sent a confirmation text message, and by replying the number "1", the downgrade was finally handled successfully.
