ITU-TSG16 Approves International Standard for Code Generation Technology Based on AI

TapTechNews May 14 news, the 16th Study Group of the Telecommunication Standardization Sector of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU-TSG16) recently held a plenary meeting in Rennes, France, and the international standard project Requirements and Evaluation Methods for Code Generation Technology Based on Artificial Intelligence (hereinafter referred to as Methods) was successfully approved.

It is reported that the project is led by China Academy of Information and Communications Technology, jointly proposed by industry-academia-research institutions such as Huawei Cloud. This Methods is the world's first standard project for code large models.

The international standard Requirements and Evaluation Methods for Code Generation Technology Based on Artificial Intelligence focuses on the general capabilities, special scenario capabilities, and application maturity of code large models, and proposes full-stack technology and management requirements for code large models from dimensions such as input diversity, task diversity, language completeness, result acceptability, and result accuracy.

Huawei Cloud stated that the successful approval of this international standard project will help promote global recognition and consensus on the overall technical framework of code large models, enhance the capabilities of code large models, promote the standardized application of code large models. At the same time, the approval of this project marks that the technical exploration of Chinese technology companies in the field of intelligent software engineering has been recognized internationally.

TapTechNews Note: The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) is one of the three major international standardization organizations, with more than 190 countries, 900 companies, and academic institutions as its members. It is one of the most influential, participatory, and authoritative national standardization organizations in the world.
