Google CEO Pichai on AI Revolution and Google's Vision

TapTechNews May 27th news, Google CEO Sundar Pichai recently accepted an interview with YouTube tech creator HaylsWorld, discussing various aspects of the current booming AI revolution and revealing Google's vision for AI.

 Google CEO Pichai on AI Revolution and Googles Vision_0

TapTechNews summarizes some of the Q&A as follows:

Not long after Elon Musk proposed that AI will make most jobs 'dispensable', Pichai also expressed a similar view, emphasizing the universal impact of AI.

At the beginning of the interview, the host asked Pichai 'Why use Google's AI', and Pichai replied that AI will have a great impact on everything we do. 'There are many reasons to use AI, it will make your experience better, it will help you summarize some content, help you save time, and you can also discuss with AI how to do better.'

When asked about 'What are the advantages of Google Gemini compared to competitors such as ChatGPT', Pichai said that the integration of AI with Google Search or other products is one of the important advantages. 'For example, it can summarize emails in Gmail, and you can easily send emails. It integrates very well with other Google products including YouTube. It is multimodal, and over time you will be able to operate AI with voice.'

The host asked Pichai, 'Some AIs, including Gemini, feel almost unconscious at times. Do you think it will take a long time before there is some form of AI consciousness?' Pichai said, 'In the next few years, we will have the illusion of AI having consciousness, which you may not be able to distinguish. However, this is different from AI really having consciousness, which is a very profound philosophical topic.'

Pichai envisioned a world where AI will be a powerful assistant in people's daily work. 'Just like correcting your spelling and grammar mistakes in GoogleDocs, AI will provide assistance for almost everything you do. For example, you may be preparing for an interview and then can discuss with AI how to do better, and it won't even feel strange.'
