Micron's Next-Generation GDDR7 Video Memory Ultimate Gaming Experience and Performance Boost

TapTechNews July 3rd news, Micron today released a press release stating that the next-generation GDDR7 video memory brings the ultimate gaming experience to players, compared to GDDR6 video memory, the game frame rate can be increased by up to 30%.

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TapTechNews reported in June this year that Micron announced that it has begun sampling the new-generation GDDR7 video memory with a speed of 32 Gbps and a video memory bandwidth of 1.5 TB/sec, which is 60% higher than that of GDDR6 and has the highest bit density in the industry.

And Micron now says that in terms of ray tracing and rasterization workloads, GDDR7 is expected to increase the game frame rate (FPS) by more than 30%.

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GDDR7 provides high system bandwidth (> 1.5 TB/s) to accelerate generative AI tasks, and the response time of text-to-image generation is shortened by up to 20%.

Micron stated in the slide content that under the 4K Ultra resolution preset ray tracing scene (TapTechNews note: the specific test game name is not specified in the slide), the performance of the GDDR7 video memory chip is 3.1 times that of GDDR6 and 1.5 times that of GDDR6X.

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Related reading:

Micron 'hows muscles': Ray tracing game tests GDDR7 video memory performance is 3.1 times that of GDDR6

Highest bit density in the industry, Micron samples GDDR7 video memory: 32 Gbps, bandwidth 1.5 TB/s, 50% higher energy efficiency

Micron announces road map: Launch of GDDR7 video memory with 32 Gbps bandwidth in 2024
