Bill Gates on the Future of AI and the Emergence of Personal Agents

TapTechNews July 3rd news, the podcast program NextBigIdeaClub released an interview with Microsoft founder Bill Gates last weekend, and Gates talked about topics such as artificial intelligence and superintelligence.

Bill Gates on the Future of AI and the Emergence of Personal Agents_0

The host, RufusGriscom, asked Bill Gates' opinion on the future development of artificial intelligence. In 1980, you had a moment of inspiration: when you announced that there will be a computer in every household and on every desk. What do you think the development of AI will be like? Do you think there will be an 'AI advisor' in each of our ears?

Gates replied that the hardware form of the AI advisor is not that important. For example, headphones can enhance, cancel, and make audio clearer, which is a very important hardware form. Just like (intelligent) glasses can project any video into your field of view, it will reflect your interaction.

Gates said that he has been looking forward to the Personal agent for decades, which can track and read all the information obtained by users, even better than human assistants. The AI agent can basically read users' information like a white-collar worker, and its interaction interface will be completely driven by the agent itself, such as assistant agent, psychotherapy agent, friend agent, girlfriend agent, expert agent, etc., and all these AI agents will be driven by deep AI.

And as TapTechNews reported earlier, Google DeepMind CEO Hassabis said in an interview in February this year that future agents will change the landscape of AI. We will see gradual improvements along the way, and there may also be some major breakthroughs, but that will bring a completely different experience.
