Anker's Soundcore SpaceOnePro Headset Gets FCC, Bluetooth Certifications

TapTechNews June 26th news, Anker's Soundcore SpaceOnePro over-ear Bluetooth headset has now passed FCC certification and Bluetooth certification.

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The FCC certification file exposes the general appearance design of the headset, and the overall is relatively close to the current $99.99 (TapTechNews note: about 728 RMB at present) SpaceOne headset.

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In addition, the Bluetooth certification information confirms that the Soundcore SpaceOnePro headset model is A3062, and will adopt the BES2600/2700 series Bluetooth 5.3 solution of Hengxuan.

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According to the joshuadwx爆料 on Reddit, the new Soundcore SpaceOnePro headset has a built-in 350mAh battery, and can last for 60 hours with 2 hours of charging, and will offer two color schemes of Cream White and Jet Black, and the dedicated carrying case for the headset will be sold separately.

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The blogger said that the new headset will be launched in the US market at the end of this month, priced at $199.99 (about 1455 RMB at present).
