Douyin E-commerce Developing AI Shopping Assistant for C-end Users

TapTechNews May 16th news, Douyin e-commerce is currently developing its first C-end AI e-commerce service AI Shopping Assistant, which has started gray-scale testing in the Douyin Mall, similar to the AI shopping guide products of Taobao Wenwen and JD Jingyan.

An user of Maimai platform revealed that the business started R&D in the second half of last year and is led by a Shanghai team, aiming to create an AI star product serving hundreds of millions of users, improving user shopping experience and business efficiency through AI technology.

Tech Planet mentioned that AI Shopping Assistant has undergone small-scale testing at the end of last year, and its algorithm recommendation mechanism is based on the Cloud Sparrow large model algorithm.

TapTechNews noticed that Douyin recently launched an e-commerce shopping app called Douyin Mall Version (now renamed as Douyin Mall), featuring great value products for worry-free selection, providing services such as browsing, searching, purchasing goods or services, logistics inquiry, posting reviews, sharing products, etc.

This is the first comprehensive independent e-commerce platform launched by Douyin e-commerce outside of the Douyin App, and it has been listed on Xiaomi, Huawei, OPPO, vivo app stores, as well as Tencent MyApp, with no listing on Apple AppStore yet.
