NIO CEO Li Bin NIO Phone to Focus on Vehicle Integration, No Ads, Longer Battery Life

TapTechNews reports that on June 1st, at the 2024 Future Automobile Pioneers Conference held today, Li Bin, the CEO of NIO, when talking about the mobile phone business, said that NIO is not to compete with Xiaomi and Huawei in the mobile phone market, but to create a driver-mobile phone interconnection experience for NIO cars. He stated, 'This is definitely the best done because we have connected it from the bottom software.'

Li Bin also claimed that the NIO mobile phone has absolutely no advertisements, no pre-installed software, is the cleanest, has the strongest battery life, and the basic performance is also the best. Li Bin called on, 'In the future, it is best for all mobile phones connected to cars to remove the advertisement interface.' In addition, he also disclosed that NIO is about to launch the second-generation mobile phone.

NIO CEO Li Bin NIO Phone to Focus on Vehicle Integration, No Ads, Longer Battery Life_0

TapTechNews found that in March this year, Li Bin once said in an event: NIO has completed the R & D work of the NIOPhone2 generation, and this mobile phone has entered the production stage and is about to be released.

The vice president of NIO, Bai Jian, forwarded this video and said that NIO mobile phone has three tasks this year, which TapTechNews sorts out as follows:

Continue to strengthen the interconnection between the car machine and the mobile phone, and continuously optimize and launch new and old functions. For example, the interconnection between the mobile phone and various screens in the car, and the seamless ultra-low latency sharing of resources between the mobile phone and the car will be updated and launched one after another next month;

Further open the more bottom-level functions of the car end to interact with the mobile phone to make it more convenient for users to use the car. For example, the senseless parking has been fully launched in early April. Explore the possibility of opening to the whole industry;

Realize the computing power/information sharing between the car machine and the mobile phone to make the large model application land better and faster.
