Google Advises Android users to disable 2G network to prevent SMS fraud attacks

TapTechNews August 13th news, Google issued a warning earlier this month, advising Android users to disable 2G network connections to guard against new SMS fraud attacks.

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TapTechNews noticed that although operators and regulatory agencies have been widely criticized for preventing SMS fraud, Google emphasizes that currently the most serious SMS attacks do not occur through regular cellular networks, but are completely out of the control of operators. These attacks can use means such as fake base stations to force mobile phones to downgrade to 2G networks, and then carry out criminal activities such as phishing and malware spreading.

Modern smartphones mainly use 4G and 5G networks and seldom fall back to 2G networks. This is not only a speed issue, but more importantly, the 2G protocol is outdated and has serious security loopholes. Although many major operators have shut down the 2G network, mobile phones can still connect to 2G, and this feature can be exploited by criminals.

Attackers can build a fake base station, disguise it as the operator's 5G signal, and trick nearby devices to connect to their forged network, and then downgrade the devices to 2G network. Due to the lack of mutual authentication technology in 2G, attackers can easily send phishing links, malware, and even forge the phone numbers of institutions such as banks. It is worth noting that this kind of SMS bombing attack using fake base stations is not fictional but really exists. Criminals can buy or make their own fake base station equipment and use it for illegal activities.

In response to this threat, Google advises Android users to disable 2G network connections. Users can go to Settings - Network and Internet - SIM Card to manually turn off 2G. Although most Android phones support this function, some phone manufacturers have not yet implemented it. In addition, Google will also launch an anti-fake base station function to remind users when detecting an untrusted connection. Pixel phones will be the first to carry this function in the Android 15 system, and other Android phone manufacturers are expected to follow up gradually.

In contrast, Apple iPhone does not provide a function to directly disable 2G network. iPhone users can only prevent 2G connections by enabling the Lockdown Mode, but this mode will significantly limit the phone's functions.
