2024 International Cruise Ship Emergency Drill in Tianjin Utilizing AI Technology

TapTechNews September 13th news, according to CCTV News reports, the 2024 large-scale comprehensive emergency drill of international cruise ships was held in Tianjin. This is also the largest international cruise ship search and rescue comprehensive actual combat drill in the country this year, and for the first time, AI technology and other scientific and technological means were used to assist in search and rescue.

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It is reported that the drill simulated that the Dream cruise ship fully loaded with passengers collided with an out-of-control container ship when berthing at the dock and entering the fairway. Many passengers on the cruise ship fell into the water, many passengers were injured, and the cruise ship was tilted due to water inflow; Multiple containers carrying new energy vehicles on the container ship caught fire and required emergency rescue.

This drill also adopted a number of scientific and technological means for the first time. The data center quickly analyzed and judged key information such as the number of injured people and the location of the people who fell into the water at the scene of the accident through AI algorithms and techniques, and intelligently generated multiple rescue plans. UAVs equipped with fire detection equipment such as infrared thermal imaging cameras flew to the fire scene to provide accurate positioning of the fire source for the ground commanders, assess the size and spread trend of the fire, and improve the efficiency of fire extinguishing.

TapTechNews learned from the Tianjin Maritime Safety Administration that in the drill, the participating units respectively dispatched emergency forces such as maritime patrol boats, professional rescue ships, and rescue helicopters to the incident waters, and successfully carried out eight drill subjects including the joint sea-air search and rescue of the people who fell into the water, dangerous goods fire fighting operations, emergency towing, container salvage, oil spill containment and removal, large-scale personnel transfer of cruise ships, and medical assistance. A total of 19 ships, 1 helicopter, 2 UAVs, and 3 ambulances, and 2 transfer buses were dispatched.
