SEGA's 4X Strategy Game ENDLESS Legend Available for Free on Steam

On May 17, TapTechNews reported that SEGA's 4X turn-based strategy game 'ENDLESS Legend' is currently available for free on the Steam platform. Players can claim the game before May 24. TapTechNews provided the Steam store link: click here to visit.

According to the introduction, 'ENDLESS Legend' is a fantasy-style 4X strategy game created by the development team of 'ENDLESS Space' and 'ENDLESS Dungeon'. Players can control a civilization, expand their territory in the vast Auriga star system, and build their unique empire through various means. The game was released in September 2014, with an 84% 'Very Positive' rating on Steam. The original price in the Steam national region was 90 yuan.

Official Game Description:

Another sunrise, another day of hard work. Planting food, developing industry, advancing science and magic, gathering wealth, there are countless things to do. However, these simple tasks are overshadowed by the shadow of the apocalypse, everything seems urgent - just because this planet has a history of frequent disasters, the past five winters have been longer and colder one after another, and this year is even worse, even though you have survived.

Continuously explore the lost secrets of the planet, uncover the various mysteries behind ruins and legends, you will find that you are not alone. There are many other civilizations on this planet, struggling for survival and development like you, with ambitious plans of conquest and domination.

In your hands are a city, a group of loyal people, and several armies. With your strength and magic, it should be no problem to keep them alive. But everything else is unknown... Where will you go? What will you find? What reaction will you make? Will the path behind you be strewn with flowers or blood?

Game Screenshots:
