Huawei's HarmonyOS NEXT System with Intention Framework and Xiaoyi Features

TapTechNews, June 24th. Huawei's HarmonyOS NEXT system brings an intention framework that can actively perceive the user's operation intention, and the system entry provides intelligent recommendation of the required card services for the users.

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This function is mainly applied in Xiaoyi intelligent assistant and desktop Xiaoyi service card. It supports users' active search invocation and active service recommendation suggestions, and the specific implementation scenarios are as follows:

Scenario-based recommendation

Habit recommendation

Event recommendation

Location recommendation

User active usage

Skill invocation

Local search

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Xiaoyi assistant

According to the introduction, Xiaoyi assistant will provide multimodal semantic interaction and automatic choreography execution functions. Users can actively search for the required services through the Xiaoyi intelligent assistant, click to use, or send operation instructions by voice.

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Xiaoyi suggestion

Xiaoyi suggestion card will actively recommend scenario service cards in combination with user understanding and environmental perception, covering driving, travel, meetings, hospitals, subway stations, scenic spots, etc.

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Xiaoyi suggestion also supports learning according to time patterns, location characteristics, equipment status, and event information, and recommending relevant services.

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Huawei HDC 2024 Developer Conference Special
