SunnyUI.Net Update New Features and Changes


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SunnyUI.Net is a C# WinForm open-source control library, tool class library, extension class library, and multi-page development framework based on the.Net Framework 4.0~4.8 and.Net 6 frameworks. (about 0.9144 meters~1.463 meters, 0.3048 meters)

 SunnyUI.Net Update New Features and Changes_3

The updated contents of this version are:

+ Added * Modified - Deleted

July 18, 2024 V3.6.8

+ IniUTF8Config: Added a Ini configuration file read and write class with a default encoding of UTF8
- FastLZ: Deleted the Fast LZ class, and the source code can be seen in: UFastLZ.cs (reference project: DotFastLZ.Compression)
* UIDataGridView: Added AddDateTimeColumn to solve the problem that the default time column does not show seconds
* UFontAwesomeV6: Updated to Font Awesome version: 6.5.2
* UILineChart: Added custom coordinate display on the Y-axis
* UILabel: The default text position is TopLeft
* UIComboTreeView: Modified the full selection button of the drop-down box to follow the theme and modified an internal international translation
* UIDatePicker: Modified the display method of the selected date in the drop-down box
* UIDatetimePicker: Modified the display method of the selected date in the drop-down box
* UIStyles: Added a method to set the custom theme color of child controls in the control container
