WeChat Warns Against Participating in Fraudulent Part-time Jobs on the Platform

TapTechNews August 2nd news, the WeChat Security Center today released the 'Governance Announcement on the Use of WeChat Accounts to Disseminate Fraudulent Information for Part-time monetization behaviors'.

According to user complaints, recently there are criminals under the guise of 'part-time jobs', posting in Moments and WeChat groups 'Help post Moments for money', 'Idle small accounts for pocket money' and other related content. WeChat reminds everyone not to participate, these criminals may assign you to post advertising content containing unqualified products (such as false weight loss product promotion), prostitution-related bad information, fraud drainage content (such as claiming that order brushing can get double cash back), etc.

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The WeChat Security Center said that assisting others in posting Moments information has a relatively large security risk. According to relevant national laws and regulations and relevant norms such as the 'Tencent WeChat Software License and Service Agreement' and the 'WeChat Personal Account Usage Specifications', helping others post marketing information of illegal and prohibited products in Moments and WeChat groups is an irregular behavior.

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What is more serious is that if the content posted involves fraud drainage, it will also put one's friends at risk of fraud. At the same time, knowing that this kind of 'part-time job' involves helping criminals spread bad information or fraud drainage information, but still exchanging it for compensation, is actually equivalent to using a personal account to assist in implementing illegal and criminal acts. If you assist in black and gray industry activities knowingly, you may bear criminal legal responsibility due to suspicion of the crime of aiding information network criminal activities.

TapTechNews noticed that the WeChat Security Center released the 'Governance Announcement on the Induction of Uninformed Users to Participate in Identity Verification Behaviors', reminding users to pay attention to protecting their personal privacy information and not to assist in verification for others casually to avoid becoming an 'accomplice' of criminals unknowingly.
