China Strengthens Management of Intelligent Connected Vehicles' Access, Recall and OTA Upgrade

TapTechNews August 1st news, the official website of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology released an article today, in order to further strengthen the access, recall and online software upgrade management of intelligent connected vehicles equipped with combined driving assistance systems, publicly soliciting opinions on the Notice on Further Strengthening the Management of Intelligent Connected Vehicle Access, Recall and Software Online Upgrade. TapTechNews summarizes the key information as follows:

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The draft for soliciting opinions proposes to improve the technical parameters related to combined driving assistance and OTA upgrade functions in the product main technical parameter table required for the road motor vehicle product access review, and incorporate it into product access and production consistency management.

1. When an enterprise produces intelligent connected vehicles equipped with a combined driving assistance system, it should report to the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Administrative Measures for the Access of Road Motor Vehicle Manufacturers and Products.

2. According to the relevant requirements of the Administrative Regulations on the Recall of Defective Automobile Products, enterprises strengthen the management of product quality and safety, file the technical parameters related to the vehicle's combined driving assistance and OTA upgrade functions with the State Administration for Market Regulation to ensure the smooth implementation of the investigation of defective automobile products and recall supervision.

The draft for soliciting opinions requires that when an enterprise produces automotive products equipped with a combined driving assistance system, it should improve the safety guarantee ability, clarify the system boundary and safety response, ensure a reasonable control strategy, carry out sufficient test verification, continuously guarantee product quality and safety, strictly fulfill the obligation to inform, and ensure that the driver always performs the corresponding dynamic driving task and has safe and controllable of the system. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology strengthens the access management of intelligent connected vehicles, accelerates the standard formulation and revision, strengthens the technical review and evaluation, strengthens the supervision of product production consistency, and standardizes and promotes the safe application of intelligent connected vehicles.

In terms of improving the event and accident reporting and research and judgment mechanism, the draft for soliciting opinions mentions that when an enterprise learns that the products it produces and sells have safety events such as the failure of the combined driving assistance system or the function withdrawal due to exceeding the system boundary, and the vehicles equipped with the combined driving assistance system have accidents such as collisions and remote control, report to the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the State Administration for Market Regulation according to the relevant requirements. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology strengthens the reporting, analysis and research and judgment of events and accidents, and timely optimizes and adjusts the access requirements and product technical standards. The State Administration for Market Regulation strengthens the in-depth investigation of accidents and defect research and judgment, and strengthens the supervision of a utomotive product safety and recall.

In terms of automotive OTA, before an enterprise implements the OTA upgrade activity, it shall ensure that the automotive product complies with the relevant requirements of national laws, regulations, technical standards and technical specifications, etc., and file with the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the State Administration for Market Regulation according to the relevant requirements. The filing content includes the enterprise's management ability, vehicle models and functions, specific upgrade activities and relevant supporting materials, etc. After the enterprise completes the filing, it can carry out the OTA upgrade activity. If it involves changing the product technical parameters, it should report to the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology before the filing to ensure the production consistency of the automotive product.

The State Administration for Market Regulation timely conducts filing assessment and supervision and inspection, regulates the application mode of OTA upgrade to avoid enterprises concealing vehicle defects or evading responsibilities through OTA upgrade. When using OTA upgrade to eliminate automotive product defects and implement recalls, a recall plan should be formulated in accordance with the Implementing Measures of the Administrative Regulations on the Recall of Defective Automobile Products and timely filed with the State Administration for Market Regulation.
