Nine Departments in China Issue Plan for Intellectual Property Protection System

On May 27, TapTechNews reported that recently, nine departments including the State Intellectual Property Office, the Central Propaganda Department, the Supreme People's Court, the Supreme People's Procuratorate, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Commerce, the General Administration of Customs, and the State Market Regulatory Administration jointly issued the Implementation Plan for the Construction Project of the Intellectual Property Protection System.

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In terms of improving the protection policy and system, the Plan proposed:

Formulating and implementing a unified geographical indication recognition system to achieve a unified entry and exit for geographical indication recognition.

Formulating a sample of the policy evaluation system related to intellectual property protection and conducting policy implementation monitoring and effect evaluation.

Building a national intellectual property protection demonstration zone and carrying out copyright demonstration creation.

Promoting the national pilot work of trade secret protection innovation.

Revising the guidelines for intellectual property protection at exhibitions and studying and formulating guidelines for intellectual property protection at large-scale events.

Strengthening the research on intellectual property protection rules such as artificial intelligence, genetic technology, and online live streaming.

Continuing to promote the construction of data intellectual property protection rules.

On the judicial level, the Plan proposed to build high-level intellectual property trial institutions, improve the specialized trial system, and strengthen the construction of the procuratorial supervision mechanism for intellectual property cases. Improving the administrative law enforcement mechanism for intellectual property and increasing the intensity of administrative law enforcement. Strengthening professional guidance for administrative law enforcement and administrative adjudication. Constructing an organically connected, coordinated and efficient intellectual property law enforcement and judicial system.

TapTechNews learned from the Plan that by 2025, the examination cycle of invention patents will be reduced to 15 months, the general trademark registration cycle will be stabilized at 7 months, the accuracy rate of invention patent case closures will be more than 95%, and the passing rate of trademark examination sampling will be more than 97%.
