WSSplayground's New Game 'Dizzy Radio Syndrome' to be Released in 2024 on Steam

TapTechNews May 26th, the production company of Needy Streamer Overload, WSSplayground's new work Dizzy Radio Syndrome has been officially launched on the Steam store. The game is expected to be released within 2024 and supports Simplified Chinese. TapTechNews attaches the product page address as follows: Click here to visit

Dizzy Radio Syndrome> of the Needy Streamer Overload> manufacturer will be released this year, claiming to be a 'rhythm text adventure music game' d

According to the introduction, Dizzy Radio Syndrome is a 'text adventure rhythm music game', and the overall style is roughly the same as that of Needy Streamer Overload before:

A certain hikikomori girl sucks in radio songs and then passionately outputs cute and strange texts online, making the whole world dizzy with the brain waves. Radio waves are the forte of otakus! Involve this world in her radio waves and turn it into a pile of junk.

Dizzy Radio Syndrome> of the Needy Streamer Overload> manufacturer will be released this year, claiming to be a 'rhythm text adventure music game' d

Dizzy Radio Syndrome> of the Needy Streamer Overload> manufacturer will be released this year, claiming to be a 'rhythm text adventure music game' d

Dizzy Radio Syndrome> of the Needy Streamer Overload> manufacturer will be released this year, claiming to be a 'rhythm text adventure music game' d

In addition to Dizzy Radio Syndrome, WSSplayground also announced today that another of its works, The End of the Teenager, will start early access on September 6th. This is a'sci-fi horror-themed text adventure game'. Interested friends can check the relevant reading to get more details.

Relevant Reading:

The new work The End of the Teenager> of the Needy Streamer Overload> manufacturer will start early access on the Steam platform on September 6th