Dongfeng Motor's 2024 January-July Sales Report

TapTechNews August 2nd news, Dongfeng Motor announced today that from January to July 2024, Dongfeng Motor's total vehicle sales reached 1.413 million units, an increase of 12.6% year-on-year.

Dongfeng Motors 2024 January-July Sales Report_0

Among them, the sales of new energy vehicles of Dongfeng Motor reached a new high of 456,000 units, an increase of 113.6% year-on-year; the sales of self-owned brand vehicles of Dongfeng Motor were 768,000 units, an increase of 45.9%, and the sales of self-owned brands accounted for more than 50% of the total sales; the export sales of Dongfeng Motor's vehicles were 131,000 units, an increase of 7.8%.

At present, some new energy brands under Dongfeng have announced their July sales. For example, Lantu Automobile delivered 6,015 units in July, an increase of 76% year-on-year; the cumulative sales from January to July reached 36,391 units, an increase of 97%, both showing significant growth.

The cumulative sales of Dongfeng Yipai from January to July reached 23,157 units. Official data shows that the cumulative sales from January to June this year was 16,828 units. TapTechNews calculated that the sales of Dongfeng Yipai in July was 6,329 units.
