The Story of Siri's Original Voice Actress Susan Bennett

TapTechNews May 26th news, the name Susan Bennett may be unfamiliar to you, but you've probably heard her voice. Bennett is the original voice actress of the American version of Siri, and this intelligent assistant was released along with the iPhone 4s in October 2011.

The Story of Siris Original Voice Actress Susan Bennett_0

According to TapTechNews, on the second anniversary of the release of the iPhone 4s, Bennett first publicly disclosed her experience of voicing for Siri. She spent four hours a day recording various nonsense syllables and phrases, and these materials, after being processed, sped up or slowed down, formed the Siri voice we are familiar with.

Recently, Ms. Bennett was interviewed by Laura Coates of CNN. Coates was reporting on the dispute triggered by OpenAI and actress Scarlett Johansson, where Johansson accused the OpenAI chatbot ChatGPT's digital assistant Sky of imitating her own voice, and the voice actress who voiced for Sky said she never received instructions to imitate Johansson.

At a time when the dispute between OpenAI and Johansson is in the spotlight of the news, CNN invited Ms. Bennett to share more details of her as the original voice actress of the American version of Siri. Bennett said that since her voice was recorded in 2005, she didn't know she became the voice of Siri until the iPhone 4s was released. She said, In 2011, I got a call from a colleague who said, 'We're playing with this newly released iPhone 4s, isn't this your voice?' I was shocked at that time. Bennett also thought that her 2005 recording was only used for the mobile phone text messaging function, knowing that the iPhone hadn't been released when she recorded in 2005.

Bennett admitted that she didn't initially get any compensation from Apple for voicing Siri. But she also mentioned that later there was compensation for voicing Siri.

At the WWDC keynote that will be held on June 10 this year, Apple is expected to make significant improvements to Siri. At that time, Apple will showcase its artificial intelligence plan, which should include upgraded Siri functions.
