Samsung Electronics Reorganizes DS Division, Focuses on HBM and Advanced Packaging

TapTechNews July 8th news, according to the reports of ZDNetKorea and ETNews in the Korean media, the Device Solutions (DS) division of Samsung Electronics has recently reorganized departments such as HBM memory and AVP advanced packaging.

This is also a large-scale organizational structure adjustment after Jeon Young-hyun replaced Kyung Gye-hyun as the head of the DS department in May.

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Samsung Electronics previously established a HBM capacity and quality improvement team dedicated to the development of HBM4, operating in parallel with the original HBM team.

The newly established HBM Development Team will be led by Son Young-Soo (TapTechNews note: transliteration from SonYoung-Soo), the vice president of Samsung Electronics and an expert in high-performance DRAM product design.

This new team will take over the previous two teams and take charge of the development work of both HBM3E and HBM4 memories to concentrate human and material resources to catch up with the leader SK Hynix in the HBM business.

Samsung Electronics has been actively promoting its HBM3E memory to pass Nvidia's test to get a share in the high-value HBM3E order of this largest HBM demander, but this goal has not been achieved yet.

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Samsung Electronics also renamed the advanced packaging business team to the AVP Development Team, split the sales and marketing organization of the original team into various business departments, and merged the HBM packaging developers into the HBM development team to enhance the competitiveness of the latter.

After the rename, the AVP Development Team will focus on the R&D work of advanced packaging.

In addition, Samsung Electronics also decided to restructure the Device Technology Research Institute to strengthen the technical support ability of semiconductor processes and equipment, and to provide broader technical support for the improvement of semiconductor process efficiency.
