The Value of Unplayed Games on Steam A Shocking Statistic

TapTechNews June 30, it is often said in the comment area that why should I play a game that I have bought with money, and many players are believed to have never played games that they have purchased with money or have added one for free on the Steam platform for various reasons. Recently, some foreign media PCGamesN made a rough statistic of the value of these games.

According to the statistics, only 10% of all Steam accounts are in the public state, among which there are about 73 million players, and the total value of games in these players' libraries that have never been played is about 1.9 billion US dollars (TapTechNews note: currently about 13.833 billion Chinese yuan).

After that, the foreign media multiplied this number by 10 to roughly estimate that the amount of games that global players have bought but not played may be close to 19 billion US dollars (currently about 138.33 billion Chinese yuan), equivalent to the GDP of the North American country Nicaragua.

In addition, although there is no detailed sales data, the foreign media speculated that according to the sales volume, the proportions of The Witcher 3 and GTA5 might be relatively high.

The Steam platform has always been jokingly called the game of collecting games. In addition to various classic games, new games are coming out every year, and the games to buy are always endless and can't be played up, so the games that have been bought but not played are indeed issues worthy of deep exploration.
