OpenHarmony Developer Conference 2024 Held in Shenzhen

TapTechNews May 25th news, the OpenAtom Open Source Foundation OpenHarmony Developer Conference 2024 was held in Shenzhen this morning, with the theme of 'Uniting Hearts and Leading the Future with Intelligence'. Yu Chengdong, the Executive Director of Huawei and the Chairman of the Terminal BG, attended and delivered a speech.

Yu Chengdong said that since contributing the basic capabilities of HarmonyOS to the Open Atom Open Source Foundation in 2020, more than 2,000 Huawei developers have supported the development of the OpenHarmony community, and have cumulatively contributed more than 62 million lines of core code.

Liu Xiaojian, Vice President of the Software Department of Huawei Terminal BG, said: In the three years since OpenHarmony was open sourced, the version has continued to evolve, and the version capabilities have been rapidly iterated. OpenHarmony has achieved leapfrog development and has made significant progress in ecological equipment, root technologies, industrial chain co-construction, and influence.

According to the introduction, currently more than 70 units have joined the OpenHarmony ecological co-construction, and more than 7,500 community co-builders have participated in the contribution, and the contribution code has exceeded 110 million lines. There have been nearly 600 software and hardware products that have passed the OpenHarmony compatibility assessment, and it has become the open source operating system with the fastest development speed in the field of intelligent terminals.

He said that OpenHarmony is gradually becoming the digital base of the intelligent Internet of Everything world. For example, Huawei has built an intelligent terminal operating system for Huawei terminal consumers based on OpenHarmony, HarmonyOS. In addition, there are also third-party co-construction units that have created a number of commercial distributions and products based on OpenHarmony (TapTechNews note: HarmonyOS and the third-party commercial distributions and products based on OpenHarmony share a unified application and service ecosystem).
