Deepin Operating System Updates with New IDE Version and Enhanced Features

TapTechNews August 7th news, the official public account of Deepin operating system released a blog post yesterday (August 6th), updating and introducing a new version of deepin Integrated Development Environment (IDE), with a key focus on supporting Linglong build.

Deepin Operating System Updates with New IDE Version and Enhanced Features_0

Support for Linglong build

In this major update of deepinIDE, it supports the compilation, packaging and repository management of Linglong applications, meaning users can directly compile their own Linglong packages on deepinIDE.

Intelligent and enhanced tools

The deepin R & D team, based on users' feedback and needs, further intelligentized the AI in the new version of IDE and upgraded the top navigation and various tools:

AI enhanced function, supporting asking questions about files, and supporting online questioning during the intelligent Q&A process and giving corresponding links to make the query results more accurate.

Top navigation optimization, quickly accessing all symbols defined in the file, such as functions, variables, etc., to improve the code navigation efficiency.

Global and local code replacement function, supporting confirmation of replacement one by one and regular expression replacement.

Enhanced binary tools, quickly accessing the tools in the system to realize practical functions such as code formatting and code static scanning.

GIT function strengthening, including gitlog, gitblame, gitdiff, providing detailed commit history, code tracking and change viewing.

TapTechNews cited the blog post content. The new version of IDE also iteratively upgraded the regular functions to enhance users' coding experience:

Automatic file location, the linkage between the editor and the project tree.

Multi-terminal support for convenient management and switching.

Advanced search optimization, quick search and regular expression support.

Right-click menu expansion, intelligent completion, code interpretation, code translation.

Code generation, quickly completing code according to the context.
