Huawei's Autonomous Driving Goals and Progress From ADS4.0 to Driverless Future

TapTechNews September 19th news, at the Huawei Full Connect Conference 2024 that opened today, Xu Zhijun, the vice chairman and rotating chairman of Huawei, gave a keynote speech and talked about Huawei's goals and progress in autonomous driving.

Huaweis Autonomous Driving Goals and Progress From ADS4.0 to Driverless Future_0

Xu Zhijun said that the automotive autonomous driving solution is also an important area where Huawei first invested in AI, because the goal of autonomous driving is driverless, which is one of the most challenging scenarios for the application of AI. At present, Chinese consumers are already very familiar with automotive intelligent driving, and the proportion of purchasing new cars with advanced versions of intelligent driving is very high. The intelligent driving ability of the car has also become a key factor considered by Chinese consumers when buying new cars.

When talking about the future plan, Xu Zhijun said that in the next step, the autonomous driving solution will be continuously evolved based on fused perception to gradually achieve the following goals.

On the highway: Get in the car and you can rest, sleep soundly during long distances.

In urban and suburban roads, easy to drive everywhere, safe and stable as good as an experienced driver.

In rural and mountainous areas: Go up and down the countryside, able to drive in all terrains and all weathers.

In the parking scenario: Achieve leaving the car and leaving, zero scratches, zero jams.

In terms of safety: Realize all-round and omnidirectional active safety, mainly to clear the main responsibility for collisions and reduce secondary responsibilities.

On the basis of the achievement of these key scenario goals, the ultimate realization of driverless in the future.

And according to TapTechNews' previous report, in the middle of this month, some bloggers revealed that Huawei is developing the ADS4.0 platform.

The cost of core components such as lidar in Huawei ADS4.0 will be further reduced, and the time point may be 2025.

In addition, Huawei is actively promoting the commercial use of high-speed L3 and the pilot of urban L3. It assists the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology in drafting more than 10 national standards for autonomous driving. For Huawei, the ultimate goal is of course the L5 level of driverless.

L3 will have redundancy in algorithms and vehicle actuator mechanisms, for example, it will use a wire-controlled chassis and a wire-controlled steering wheel.

Related reading:

Message said that Huawei is developing ADS4.0 platform, and the cost of core components such as lidar is further reduced
