#3D Printing#

Apple Watch Series 10 Larger Screen, Thinner, 3D Printed Parts

Apple Watch Series 10 will have larger screen and thinner. Starts using 3D printed parts from 2H24. Supplier is BLT.

First 3D-Printed House in Central Asia Built in Almaty, Kazakhstan

A 3D-printed house was successfully built in Almaty, Kazakhstan, with unique features and advantages. It took only two months and has potential to revolutionize construction.

First 3D Printed House in Central Asia Built in Almaty, Kazakhstan

A 3D printed house was successfully built in Almaty, Kazakhstan, with unique features and advanced technology, which may revolutionize the construction industry. It has a simple layout and is cost-effective.

Developer Shares Self-Built 'GameboyXL' Handheld Console

A developer built a 'GameboyXL' console with 3D printing and Raspberry Pi 5, but it has only 2 buttons and is better for table use with a game controller.