China's Cyberspace Administration Takes Action Against Infringing Enterprise-related Information

TapTechNews, June 8th. Today, Cyber China announced that recently, the Cyberspace Administration of China has intensively organized and carried out the special action of Clean and Clear - Optimizing the Business Environment in Cyberspace - Rectifying the Chaos of Infringing Enterprise-related Information. It guides website platforms to strengthen the management of online enterprise-related information content and deal with a batch of illegal and irregular acts that infringe on the legitimate rights and interests of enterprises and entrepreneurs on the Internet in accordance with laws and contracts.

In the typical cases notified this time, it includes Xiao Niu Talking about Cars which was recently banned - accounts such as Xiao Niu Talking about Cars deliberately exaggerated and distorted the facts, smearing and slandering enterprises and their founders.

The Douyin account Xiao Niu Talking about Cars, the Dongchedi account Xiao Niu Talking about Cars New, and the Toutiao account Huang Xiao Niu New have repeatedly released short videos to distort and fabricate facts and maliciously slander the quality of a certain brand of car and the image and reputation of the car enterprise and its founder for the purpose of attracting attention and getting traffic. The involved accounts have been closed in accordance with laws and contracts.

In addition, the Cyberspace Administration also announced typical cases such as the accounts like Mozi Business Theory being closed due to malicious interpretation of the equity structure and product packaging pattern of a certain drinking water enterprise, the accounts like Odd-Even School being closed due to distorted interpretation of enterprise-related public information, and the accounts like Acorn Business Review being closed due to rubbing the hotspot related to enterprises and releasing false and untrue information related to enterprises in the form of exclusive conversation.

TapTechNews attaches the preface:

The Xiao Niu Talking about Cars auto media account that has a large number of fans on platforms such as Douyin has been recently banned. The page shows that the reason for its ban is violating the relevant provisions of the Douyin Community Self-discipline Convention.

The holder of the Xiao Niu Talking about Cars auto media account is Gu Yubo, and most of the programs are outputting viewpoints targeting auto enterprises, car models, and even users. Before it was banned, it had nearly 5.4 million fans on the Douyin platform and received 55.083 million likes.

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