Owlchemy Studios' Job Simulator Launched on visionOS App Store

TapTechNews May 29th, Owlchemy Studios announced today that its VR game Job Simulator has officially been launched on the visionOS App Store, inviting VisionPro headset users to experience.

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Job Simulator is a virtual reality simulation game made by Owlchemy Labs, which was released on the Microsoft Windows platform on April 15, 2016, and moved to the PlayStation 4 platform on October 13, 2016, and landed on the Oculus Quest on May 21, 2019.

The game is set in a world where all human jobs have been replaced by robots, and enter Job Simulator to experience the feeling of working.

The official introduction is as follows: In this world, robots have replaced humans to work. Players will follow the orders of their robot supervisor in the game to play as a gourmet to taste delicious food, or as a company employee to review emails, etc. Come and join this world quickly and complete a beautiful day's work!

XR headset enthusiast Justin Ryan shared a gameplay video of Job Simulator on Apple VisionPro, and according to him, the game performs extremely well on this device.

In addition to the Job Simulator game, the Vacancy Simulator game has also landed on the VisionPro headset.

The price of Job Simulator for Apple VisionPro is $19.99 (TapTechNews note: currently about 145 RMB), and the price of Vacancy Simulator is $29.99 (currently about 217 RMB), and it is only compatible with visionOS.
