Xiaopeng Motors to Provide Tech to Other Automakers, Partners with Volkswagen

TapTechNews May 20th news, according to a report in The South China Morning Post today, Brian Gu, the vice chairman and president of Xiaopeng Motors, said in a recent interview that Xiaopeng Motors will provide self-driving and electric vehicle technologies to other automakers, thereby bringing new sources of income to the company, promoting R & D work and maintaining technological advantages.

Brian Gu said, 'We believe that more cooperation is a long-term trend, because it is unimaginable for traditional automakers to quickly develop intelligent driving technology by relying on their own capabilities.' He believes that the future of electric vehicles is intelligent driving technology. 'In my opinion, if you have leading technology, then there will be many ways to monetize it.'

Xiaopeng Motors to Provide Tech to Other Automakers, Partners with Volkswagen_0

It is reported that automotive giants such as Volkswagen and General Motors once dominated the domestic market, but the pace of their electric transformation is slightly slower and they are currently 'trying hard to catch up' with independent brand automakers. In April this year, Xiaopeng and the Volkswagen Group officially signed a strategic cooperation framework agreement on EEA electrical and electronic architecture technology, and the official called it a new milestone for the start of the strategic cooperation between the two parties.

According to the introduction of Xiaopeng Motors, the two parties will jointly develop an industry-leading EEA electrical and electronic architecture for the Volkswagen electric vehicle platform in China, and this architecture is expected to be applied to Volkswagen brand electric models produced in China from 2026.

According to the recent report by TapTechNews, the Xiaopeng Motors AIDay event was officially scheduled for May 20th, and intelligent driving/parking/voice assistant are expected to be upgraded. He Xiaopeng previewed some of the content on May 20th, and he said: 'This is the first OTA that implements an end-to-end large model in China. This is the OTA that turns Xiao P into a large model. From this time on, we will have huge changes. We will bring a brand new OTA of Xiaopeng to everyone on 520 AIDay.'
