Steve Ballmer Surpasses Bill Gates in Net Worth, Ranks Sixth Globally

TapTechNews July 2nd news, according to the latest data released by the Bloomberg Billionaires Index, Steve Ballmer currently ranks sixth in the world with a net worth of $157.2 billion (TapTechNews note: currently about 1.15 trillion yuan). For the first time, he has surpassed Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates.

 Steve Ballmer Surpasses Bill Gates in Net Worth, Ranks Sixth Globally_0

TapTechNews quoted media reports that there are two reasons why Ballmer's net worth surpassed Gates':

90% of Steve Ballmer's wealth is in Microsoft stocks, and Ballmer is still the largest individual shareholder of Microsoft stocks; and Microsoft stocks continue to maintain a strong growth momentum, rising by 21% just this year.

Bill Gates diversified his investment portfolio through Cascade Investment, and his other investments did not gain the returns that Microsoft stocks could provide.

The Bloomberg Billionaires Index only calculates the current personal wealth and does not include other wealth information. Bill Gates has been involved in charity through the Gates Foundation for nearly two decades. The Gates Foundation is one of the largest charitable organizations in the world, with more than $75 billion in funds, and Gates has donated more than $60 billion to the Gates Foundation.

So far, Steve Ballmer has not been committed to large-scale charity like Bill Gates, but he has donated to many major universities in the United States, including $425 million to the University of Oregon.

In addition, he founded the non-profit organization to help people understand the revenue, expenditures and social impact of the US government.

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