RotoVRExplorer Revolutionizing VR Experience with Rotating Seat

TapTechNews August 15th news, a rotating seat named RotoVRExplorer is expected to change the VR experience. By synchronizing the user's head rotation with the seat rotation, it perfectly combines the user's real-world actions with the virtual-world images, thereby greatly enhancing the sense of immersion and alleviating the symptoms of dizziness.

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Unlike large devices such as the VirtuixOmni treadmill or Disney's HoloTile treadmill, RotoVRExplorer only requires a very small space. This seat looks like an office chair, but it is equipped with an oversized wheeled base and has an internal electric motor that can achieve a maximum rotation speed of 21 revolutions per minute. The seat will automatically rotate left and right to match the head rotation of the user wearing the MetaQuest headset. Different from other products that rely on the motion data captured by Quest, RotoVRExplorer uses the motion sensor installed on the headband for head tracking.

RotoVRExplorer has obtained Meta's Made for Meta certification, but since the head tracking is completely handled by a dedicated sensor, in theory, as long as the headband is installed, the seat can also be compatible with other VR headsets.

The rotation speed of the seat is directly related to the user's head rotation speed and amplitude. Slight head turns may not cause obvious rotation of the seat, while rapid head turns will quickly accelerate the rotation of the seat.

RotoVRExplorer claims to be able to effectively reduce motion sickness, which is an old problem that plagues many VR users. By synchronizing the real-world body movement with the virtual-world visual experience, the confusion in the brain is alleviated. Although in theory, users can also manually rotate a regular office chair to achieve a similar effect, but compared to the precise synchronization of RotoVRExplorer, the effect may be much worse.

However, RotoVRExplorer cannot completely eliminate motion sickness. Users may still feel uncomfortable when moving forward, backward or teleporting quickly in the virtual world. Being able to really walk is still the best VR experience method, but for users with limited space, RotoVRExplorer is a compromise solution.

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The device also has other practical functions, including a vibration feedback module under the seat, an expandable modular design, and a rotary USB interface on the base for convenient charging of the VR headset. The lock wheel design ensures the stability of the device during intense VR experiences.

RotoVRExplorer is currently priced at 799 US dollars (TapTechNews note: currently about 5708 RMB), and it is expected to be shipped in October. The company had launched a more complex version with a price of over 2000 US dollars in 2020.
