Analysis of Meituan Riders' Income and Employment Characteristics

TapTechNews September 19th news, Meituan Research Institute released a report related to riders' income today. In response to the previously rumored 'There are already 51 million Meituan crowdsourcing riders' and 'all kinds of false data of riders with graduate and undergraduate degrees', the Meituan Research Institute stated that tracing the original source, the above contents are all 'caused by wrong logical deductions and deliberate dissemination' by individual online accounts to attract attention and traffic on social media.

The Meituan Research Institute said that for the data of undergraduates and graduate students, it is necessary to submit the academic certificate and degree certificate to the Xuexin website for verification to be determined. 'Currently, any rider data in this regard is a rumor without factual basis'.

In the research institute's report, it is also pointed out that among the 7.45 million riders with order-receiving income, 11% of the total number, about 819,500 people, receive orders for more than 260 days throughout the year; 'about 48% of the riders with order-receiving income receive orders for less than 30 days throughout the year, showing strong transitional employment characteristics'.

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In January this year, the '2023 Research Report on the Employment of China's New Employment Forms Research Center' pointed out that 'the monthly average income of takeaway riders in 2023 is $1070.5 (6803 yuan)', exceeding the average value of the blue-collar group of $947.2 (6043 yuan), and the income levels of occupations such as takeaway riders, maternity matrons, and truck drivers are among the top in the blue-collar group.

TapTechNews learned from the report that Meituan riders include common crowdsourcing, Lepao and other types. The former has no requirement for the number of running orders, and the working time is more free, while the latter has a requirement for the number of running orders, and the average income is more considerable. In June 2024, among high-frequency riders, 'the income of crowdsourcing and Lepao riders in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen is $1154.7 (7354 yuan) and $1744.5 (11014 yuan) respectively', while the average income in third-tier and below cities is $877.7 (5556 yuan) and $1139.5 (7197 yuan) respectively, basically representing the interval of the average income of high-frequency riders.

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The spokesperson of the Meituan Research Institute disclosed that considering the high mobility characteristics and complex working environment of riders, Meituan has specially appointed 214 riders as Meituan product experience officers in 77 cities across the country. At present, these riders have put forward more than 750 optimization suggestions, 'more than 410 items have been optimized and launched nationwide, and more than 80 items are being optimized and upgraded'.
