5 'Internet Celebrities' Suspected of Fraud in Yunnan Province

TapTechNews June 23. On June 20, the Longling County Public Security Bureau in Baoshan City, Yunnan Province, issued a notice on publicly soliciting clues about the suspected fraud and criminal activities of Guo Mouyun and others. After verification by the police, since the end of 2023, criminal suspects Guo Mouyun and others have carried out fraud and criminal activities through the live PK in the Douyin platform live room, promising false high return rewards, and inducing fans and netizens to tip and send gifts.

5 Internet Celebrities' Suspected of Fraud in Yunnan Province_0

According to the Kunming Information Port website sponsored by the Kunming Municipal Party Committee and the municipal government, the five internet celebrities, including Guo Mouyun, all have multiple Douyin accounts and have hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of fans respectively.

TapTechNews learned from the website that since the end of 2023, the five internet celebrities have decided through discussion and premeditation to take advantage of their influence on the Internet and on the Douyin platform, through the live room live PK. In the process of live PK, they promised multi-fold rebates and high returns to netizens who tipped and sent gifts, thereby inducing fans and netizens to tip and send gifts to the anchors.

During the live broadcast, the five people, as anchors, cooperated with each other in the form of fabricating lies and abusing each other to incite netizens to tip and send gifts to suppress and defeat the other party, and finally the one with more gifts would win. Through mutual PK, they illegally profited. So far, for more than half a year, many people have watched the live broadcast in the Douyin live room and tipped and sent gifts to the five people as anchors. As of now, the amount involved has reached more than 110,000 yuan ($15,793). But after the live broadcast ended, the five people refused to fulfill the rebate promised in advance to those who tipped and sent gifts for various reasons such as muting the live room, blocking the virtual identity, and kicking them out of the live room, and instead took the obtained money as their own and distributed it and squandered it all.

The police said that the behavior of the five people has been suspected of fraud, and they have been taken criminal detention and other measures, and the case is still under further investigation.
