Nezha Automobile Responds to Insurance Rumors No Rejection, Premium Rate Decreased

On August 9th, IT Home reported that the Nezha Automobile Legal Department's official Weibo released a statement on the 8th, responding to the rumors that Nezha Automobile was'rejected for insurance' by insurance companies.

According to the data查阅 by Nezha Automobile from the relevant database, the renewal rate of the sold vehicles has generally decreased by more than 8% in total, which is lower than the industry average.

After further verification from all parties, there is no situation where insurance companies reject insuring Nezha Automobile brand models.

Nezha Automobile will continue to pay attention to the renewal situation of car owners. Some individual self-media maliciously generalize and take the opportunity to spread rumors and slander, seriously damaging the legitimate rights and interests of our company and the vast majority of consumers. Our company will take legal measures to combat illegal and infringing behaviors and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the company and the vast majority of consumers!

Nezha Automobile Responds to Insurance Rumors No Rejection, Premium Rate Decreased_0

IT Home appendix: Previous situation summary:

Some media reported that recently, many Nezha Automobile owners reported that the premiums of Nezha Automobile have increased significantly, and many insurance companies refused to insure for them. One owner said that he bought a Nezha Automobile in 2022, and was informed this year that he needs to pay more than 9,000 yuan for the premium, because a large number of vehicles of this brand are used as online ride-hailing vehicles. The owner had only one accident last year with a compensation amount of 1,000 yuan, and his vehicle is a non-commercial vehicle, but this year the premium has increased by more than 4,000 yuan, which is unacceptable to him.

The main model prices of Nezha Automobile are in the range of 100,000-200,000 yuan, and the corresponding premiums (including vehicle damage insurance, third-party liability insurance of 2 million yuan, passenger insurance and compulsory traffic insurance, etc.) should normally be between 4,000-5,000 yuan.

Nezha Automobile Responds to Insurance Rumors No Rejection, Premium Rate Decreased_1

Related reading:

'Owners report that Nezha Automobile is rejected for insurance or the premium is increased by many insurance companies, with the reason being the high accident rate of online ride-hailing vehicles.'
