#Nezha Automobile#

Nezha Automobile's African Expansion and Prospectus Details

Nezha Automobile opens its first store in Africa, presents prospectus details with revenue and losses, aims for high sales in 2024.

Nezha Automobile's IPO Application and Business Updates

Nezha Automobile submits IPO to Hong Kong Stock Exchange, details on revenue, loss, vehicle delivery, overseas biz & CATL alliance.

Nezha Automobile's Strong Performance in New Energy Vehicle Exports

Nezha Automobile's export achievements and its efforts in global markets, with a focus on Southeast Asia.

Nezha Automobile Updates Mileage Record and Announces Incentives

Nezha Automobile refreshes the longest mileage record and offers free SUV replacements, with plans to recycle and disclose details.

Nezha Automobile's Initiative to Reward Owners with Longest Mileage

Nezha Automobile is offering a new car to the owner with the longest mileage. Learn about the details here.

Nezha Automobile to Release New Model and Redefine Brand

Nezha Automobile CEO reveals plans for new model, brand redefinition, and more. Read on for details.

Nezha Automobile Hood Incident and Response

This report covers an incident with Nezha Automobile's hood and its official response, emphasizing safety and design features. Less than 150 characters.

Nezha Automobile Starts Local Production in Indonesia

Nezha Automobile begins local production in Indonesia with plans for future expansion. Learn more about it.

Nezha Automobile CEO Announces Delivery Delay and Solutions

Nezha Automobile's CEO Zhang Yong announces delivery delay due to high red-clothed version ratio and presents solutions, with details on the model's versions and pre-sale. Pre-sale starts from $19,500, to be launched in late June.

Chen Zhaohua Becomes Vice President of Nezha Automobile

Veteran media person Chen Zhaohua joins Nezha Automobile. Nezha has marketing issues and plans for improvement. Learn more.

Nezha Automobile Adjusts R & D System, Zhang Yong Multi-Tasks

Nezha Automobile makes adjustments to its R & D system, and CEO Zhang Yong takes on multiple roles. Learn more.

Nezha Automobile Announces Nezha L Pure Electric Version Listing

Nezha Automobile reveals details of Nezha L, including the pure electric version's listing time and features.