Sony Forms Joint Venture for 'Palworld' Game, Potential for PS Platform Entry

TapTechNews July 10th news, with the explosion of the game 'Palworld', Sony has also set its sights on the benefits generated by this game.

Sony Music Entertainment and its subsidiary Aniplex Inc. announced today that they will jointly establish a joint venture company 'Palworld Entertainment' with PocketPair.

The official also emphasized that this joint venture company will cooperate with the Sony Group and be associated with the continuous development of PocketPair's game 'Palworld', further strengthening the domestic and foreign licensing business of 'Palworld' and accelerating the diversified development of 'Palworld' globally.

Sony Forms Joint Venture for 'Palworld' Game, Potential for PS Platform Entry_0

TapTechNews noted that the current console version of 'Palworld' has only landed on the Xbox platform. With the establishment of Palworld Entertainment and the strategic cooperation with Sony, it is not excluded that this game may land on the PS platform in the future.

In addition, Palworld Entertainment will also be responsible for promoting and distributing a large number of peripheral goodies related to the game IP, so stay tuned.
