Overwatch's Pink Angel Charity Event Returns with New Skins

TapTechNews June 18, Blizzard President Johanna Faries revealed while announcing the 'Pink Angel Charity Event Return' that Overwatch has surpassed the milestone of 100 million players. This number seemingly encompasses the total number of players of both Overwatch and Overwatch 2.

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Overwatch once launched a 'PinkMercy' skin in 2018, sold for $14.99 (98 RMB in the Chinese server), and all the proceeds were donated to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation BCRF, and a total of $12.7 million (TapTechNews note: currently about 92.174 million Chinese yuan) was raised at that time.

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After a 6-year hiatus, Overwatch 2, in response to players' requests, announced the reopening of the PinkAngel skin sale, still priced at $14.99. Blizzard also launched a new skin set, named 'RoseGoldMercy', that is, the Rose Gold Angel skin set with a new design.

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The set includes not only the new look of the angel but also a separate skin for the pink angel weapon, as well as spray paint, avatar, etc., priced at $19.99 (currently about 145 RMB).

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Both skins will be on limited sale from June 26 to July 9 Beijing time, and all proceeds will still be donated entirely to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation BCRF.
