Samsung Exynos2500 Chip's Yield Rate and Future Uncertainties

According to TapTechNews on June 21st, ZDNetKorea, a South Korean media, reported today that the yield rate of Samsung Electronics' Exynos2500 chip is still slightly less than 20% currently, and it is still unclear whether it can be used in Galaxy S25 series phones in the future.

The South Korean media report pointed out that Samsung Electronics generally starts mass-producing mobile phone SoCs only after the chip yield rate exceeds 60%, and the current yield level is still quite a distance from this standard line.

Samsung Electronics has set the latest time for the mass production of Exynos2500 chips by the end of this year, so the Samsung LSI department still has some time to improve the yield of the next-generation flagship self-developed mobile phone SoC before September-October.

If the yield rate is still insufficient by then, then Samsung will be forced to use the strategy of the Galaxy S23 generation again and equip all models of Galaxy S25 phones globally with Qualcomm Snapdragon processors.

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Industry sources said that, overall, the development of Exynos2500 chip with the code name Solomon is not going smoothly: its yield rate still remained at a single-digit level in the first quarter of this year, resulting in the initial supply of ES samples being postponed to February.

Exynos2500 adopts Samsung's second-generation GAA process SF3 (TapTechNews note: 3 nm GAA), and the Exynos W1000 wearable device chip expected to be used in the Galaxy Watch 7 series watches will also be based on the 3 nm GAA process.
