National Library of China Releases

TapTechNews on June 21, according to CCTV News, the National Library of China released the Shan Hai Jing knowledge base yesterday, which realizes the multi-dimensional and multi-directional association of texts, images and other information of the 92 kinds of Shan Hai Jing ancient books that the National Library has collected. Readers can freely browse through the massive book images and digitized long scrolls of the Shan Hai Jing in the knowledge base and conduct literature retrieval and version comparison, etc. . At the same time, users can also personalize map indexing, image retrieval, and coloring.

It is reported that the first phase of the Shan Hai Jing knowledge base was launched in 2021. After three years of in-depth processing and organization, there are now tens of thousands of proper name indexings and is open to the public.

TapTechNews Note: Readers can log in to the official website of the National Library or the website of the Shan Hai Jing knowledge base ( to use this knowledge base for free.
