2024 Nobel Prizes Announcement Schedule and Prize Amount Details

TapTechNews October 7th news, from October 7th to 11th, the 2024 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, Physics, Chemistry, Literature and Peace will be announced successively, and the Economics Prize will be announced on the 14th.

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The announcement times of each award of the 2024 Nobel Prize have also been finalized. TapTechNews converts them to Beijing time and sorts them out as follows (all are the earliest announcement times):

Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine – 17:30 on Monday, October 7th;

Nobel Prize in Physics – 17:45 on Tuesday, October 8th;

Nobel Prize in Chemistry – 17:45 on Wednesday, October 9th;

Nobel Prize in Literature – 19:00 on Thursday, October 10th;

Nobel Prize in Peace – 17:00 on Friday, October 11th;

Nobel Prize in Economics – 17:45 on Monday, October 14th.

In 1896, the Swedish chemist and entrepreneur Alfred Nobel passed away. In his will, he decided to donate his property of more than 31 million Swedish kronor to set up a fund, and the interest generated every year would be divided into five parts as bonuses to reward those who have made outstanding contributions to mankind in the five major fields of physics, chemistry, physiology and medicine, literature, and peace.

The Swedish king announced the validity of Nobel's will in 1898. In 1901, the first batch of Nobel Prizes was awarded in Stockholm, Sweden and Oslo, Norway. Later, in 1968, on the 300th anniversary of the founding of the Swedish National Bank (the Central Bank of Sweden), the Swedish Central Bank's Memorial Alfred Nobel Economics Prize, that is, the Nobel Economics Prize, was established. However, the bonus of this award does not come from Nobel's huge estate, but from the donation of the Swedish Central Bank to the Nobel Foundation.

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According to the official website of the Nobel Prize, the bonus of each Nobel Prize in 2024 is the same as that in 2023, which is 11 million Swedish kronor (TapTechNews note: currently about 7,445,460 yuan).
