JD.com to Increase Procurement and Sales Salaries

TapTechNews May 27 news, JD.com Group announced today that starting from July 1, 2024, through a year and a half, the annual fixed salary of JD.com's procurement and sales will be increased from 16 months to 20 months, and the performance incentive has no ceiling.

JD.com Group had previously announced that the annual fixed salary of front-line business personnel such as procurement and sales in JD.com would increase significantly by nearly 100% starting from January 1, 2024, and the average salary increase of all staff in JD Retail at the beginning of 2024 will be no less than 20%. In addition, JD.com summoned former procurement and sales employees to return and promised that after returning, the new salary policy for retail procurement and sales would apply, and the employee's welfare service years would continue to accumulate after joining, and things like service year subsidies, housing security funds, continuing education, exclusive titles for senior employees, and employee assistance funds would all be continued.

In April this year, Liu Qiangdong's AI digital human, Procurement and Sales Dongge, launched its live debut, and also appeared in the procurement and sales live rooms of JD Home Appliances and Home Furnishings and JD Supermarket, showing that JD.com attaches great importance to the promotion of procurement and sales.

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JD.com Group achieved revenue of 260 billion yuan in the first quarter of 2024, an increase of 7.0% year-on-year, and the market expected 258.35 billion yuan. The adjusted EBITDA was 10.8 billion yuan, and the estimated value was 9.5 billion yuan. The adjusted net profit in the first quarter was 8.9 billion yuan, an increase of 17.2% year-on-year, and the market expected the adjusted net profit to be 7.412 billion yuan.

On May 24, after announcing a 20%-100% salary increase for all procurement and sales, Liu Qiangdong gave a wolfish speech: Whether it's the industries we go deep into or the internal and external environment, we can never continue to let a large number of employees lie down and sleep soundly.
