Valve's 'Deadlock' Page Sparks Controversy Over Alleged Rule Violation

TapTechNews August 27th news, Valve's new work 'Deadlock' was finally officially announced last week. Although an invitation code is still required to play, at least players can view its page on Steam. However, this page has caused controversy because Valve seems to blatantly violate its own regulations for the Steam store page.

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The game developer 3DGlyptics pointed out that Valve only showed a 22-second trailer on the Steam store page of 'Deadlock', without providing any screenshots. And according to the Steamworks documentation, developers must provide at least 5 screenshots on the store page.

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Some people may think that Valve can violate its own rules at will, after all, it owns Steam. However, 3DGlyptics believes that Valve has adhered to the Steamworks rules in the past and therefore should continue to abide by them. He cited as an example that in a promotional event in March 2024, Valve had added a 'winner of more than 100 awards' label to the Steam store page of 'TheOrangeBox', which violated Steam's regulations, and Valve finally admitted the mistake and corrected it.

3DGlyptics' accusation is not unfounded, Valve has indeed clearly stated that it must also abide by Steam's rules. However, Valve is now blatantly violating its own regulations. As of the time TapTechNews released this report, Valve has not responded yet.
