Webpack v5.93.0 Released with Bug Fixes and New Features

Webpack is a module packager, and its main purpose is to package JavaScript files for the browser. Webpack v5.93.0 has been released, and the specific update contents are as follows:

Bug fixes

  • Generate the correct relative path of the runtime chunks
  • The DefinePlugin is quieter at the default log level
  • Fix the mangle destructuring default in namespace imports
  • Fix the consumption of eager shared modules when in module federation
  • Remove the slashes to get the pretty regexp
  • Calculate the correct contenthash for the CSS generator options

New features

  • Added the binary generator option for asset modules to explicitly retain the source map generated by the loader
  • Added the modern-module library value for tree shakable output
  • Added the overrideStrict option to override the strict or non-strict mode of JavaScript modules

Update note: Click
