Spring Modulith Releases with New Features and Bug Fixes

Spring Modulith is a new and experimental Spring project that supports developers to implement logical modules in Spring Boot applications. It allows application structure validation, logging module arrangements, running integration tests for individual modules, observing module interactions at runtime, and implementing module interactions in a loosely coupled way.

Spring Modulith 1.3 M1, 1.2.2 and 1.1.7 have now been released. The former includes the following new features:

  • Upgraded to Spring Boot 3.4 M1 and Spring Framework 6.2 M6 – GH-737
  • Improvements in documentation creation – GH-644, GH-638
  • @ApplicationModuleTest can now be used outside the module folder - GH-466
  • Configuration properties for defining the JDBC event publishing registry schema - GH-685

Based on these features, the project team has also fixed some bugs and ported them all to the 1.2 and 1.1 versions of Spring Modulith.

Details can be found in the complete change logs of the 1.3 M1, 1.2.2 and 1.1.7 versions.
