How to Easily Open Windows 11's Classic File Explorer

TapTechNews June 4 news, although Windows 11 has a beautiful appearance, it still retains a large amount of legacy code at the bottom. Some users think that the new File Explorer becomes bloated and sluggish in Windows 11. If you miss the old File Explorer and don't want to downgrade back to Windows 10, here is a way for you to easily open it without cracking the registry or third-party software.

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Starting the classic File Explorer in Windows 11 is very simple. Just press the Win+R key combination, enter control and hit Enter to open the Control Panel, then click the up arrow button next to the address bar to see the familiar old File Explorer, without the fancy tab pages or WinUI redesign of the new version.

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Or, you can also open the Start menu and start Windows Utilities (note that if the dark mode is enabled, the appearance of this folder may be a little strange). Next, just click anywhere in the navigation pane or navigate to other folders using the address bar.

TapTechNews noticed that users can run both the old and new versions of the File Explorer at the same time to improve work efficiency or make comparisons. In addition, starting the old File Explorer in Windows 11 also restores the classic right-click menu, but only in the current window.

Although Microsoft has been continuously improving the new File Explorer in Windows 11, many users are still dissatisfied with it due to various errors, freezes and other issues. In contrast, the File Explorer in Windows 10 runs smoothly, responds quickly and is more stable. Therefore, considering that Windows 10 will stop being supported in about a year, if the only reason you hesitate to upgrade Windows 11 is the new File Explorer, then you can upgrade now with peace of mind.
