Nintendo to Remake 'StarFox Assault' for Switch 2

TapTechNews on June 4, news source Zippo revealed that Nintendo is bringing the classic NGC game StarFox: Assault to the Switch 2 platform. The remake of this game is said to be produced by the BandaiNamco studio that once developed the original work, and Nintendo plans to announce this game at a future Direct conference.

Nintendo to Remake StarFox Assault' for Switch 2_0

According to the introduction, StarFox: Assault was initially released in 2005. Compared to the previous work StarFox Adventures, this work returns to the tone mainly of space shooting again, and also includes some ground-alone missions. The game is set one year after Adventures. The Aparoid becomes the new threat in the Lylat Galaxy. The StarFox team once again stops them under the outstanding leadership of Peppy Hare (and the accompanying ROB) and Fox. Krystal replaces Peppy as the main team member, and Falco has also officially returned to the team.

Nintendo to Remake StarFox Assault' for Switch 2_1

However, beyond the game content, Nintendo has maintained a rather indifferent attitude towards the classic IP StarFox in the past few years. TapTechNews noticed that after the poor performance of StarFox Zero on the WiiU platform in 2016, there have been few new works in the series. But now Nintendo seems to be planning to rekindle players' enthusiasm for the series IP.

Considering that the games of all generations of StarFox are known for their smooth operation, this remake is said to support 1080P 60FPS gameplay. The news source also revealed that this game will add an online multiplayer combat function and can also use Amiibo peripherals, which is also considered a prelude to Nintendo's research and development of a brand new StarFox mainline work.
