Chery Group's

TapTechNews August 7th news, Yicai News reported that Jin Yibo, the spokesperson of Chery Group, responded to the recently-circulated Chery 345 strategy.

According to TapTechNews' previous report, a Chery internal economic management meeting spirit document circulated online in July. The document shows that the meeting mentioned that especially around the personnel 345 strategy, to study the improvement of personnel efficiency, work quality and work ability. Truly achieve that 3 people do the work of 5 people and get the salary of 4 people.

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Jin Yibo responded that many online remarks have ignored these backgrounds and connotations and completely misinterpreted the direction; the personnel efficiency 345 strategy mentioned in the internal publication screenshot is a performance management goal, and it is also the experience of some companies exploring management innovation in the early years, aiming to improve work efficiency and quality, and it is not a simple workload addition and subtraction and cost reduction; in addition, Chery has always emphasized employee care and enhancing employee happiness.

He said that in the face of the current competitive situation, Chery is to abandon the past simple and crude人海战术 (huge numbers tactic) and fatigue tactic, and improve overtime efficiency, and resolutely put an end to ineffective overtime and overtime without quality. Treat employees like family members and be responsible for their health and happiness.

Jin Yibo finally mentioned:

Since Chery started from the 'little thatched cottage' 27 years ago, the salary is fixed and paid on the 15th of every month, and it has never been delayed once in 27 years. Even in the period of the most tense capital chain, the company has to borrow money to ensure that employees' salaries are paid on time; when the market environment and economic environment are not good, Chery has never had mass layoffs; also in terms of salary, in the past nearly 10 years, Chery has generally adjusted employees' salaries for 8 years, and the lowest increase must also ensure that the living standard of employees does not decrease with the rise of prices, only in 2019 when the capital increase and share expansion had a tense capital chain and the business difficulties caused by the epidemic in 2020, there was no salary increase for employees.

At present, Chery has become one of the fastest-growing enterprises in the automotive industry. Being overly concerned again and again in a short period of time and causing a negative impact, this may also be an inevitable 'lesson' in Chery's rapid growth process.
